Search Results for 'rmt'

ESP32: Sending short pulses with the RMT

Well that was easy!  About an hour ago I wrapped up a blog post on creating stepper motor driver pulses with the ESP32 using timer interrupts. I added a to do list at the end to look into using the RMT peripheral to do this. It only took about an hour to figure out. RMT […]

Grbl CNC Firmware on ESP32

Woot! I have been working on this for months. I am happy to announce that it is finally working right. The ESP32 will be a great option for CNC. Here are some things I am excited about. Fast – Two 32 bit Cores at 240MHz Each, FPU, 80MHz Timers Memory – Tons of Flash and […]

ESP32: Step Pulse Experiments with Timers

(Edit: Also check out my better “RMT” way to send the pulse) I have been playing with the ESP32 microcontroller to see how well it would perform as a small scale CNC controller. The low cost and high performance as well as the built in Wifi and Bluetooth make it very attractive. One of the […]