Mechanical motion is nearly done!
I spaced the makerslide centrally on the 45x45 extrusion, sanded the contact faces, super glued it and connected it tightly with 3 x M4 cap screws on each rail.
When adding the Y Axis idlers i found out that I fixed the one Y axis makerslide upside down (with the groove to the top). It took some determination to break the superglue bond! I think the superglue and M4 combination will hold. The proof will be in the pudding!
Frame and gantry assembly:
Laser car detail (I added a bush on the right hand side as well so I can use another switch for X+ limit.
Gantry motor end detail with X+ limit switch
Electrical work is next.
I have a TB6560 3 axis board and a Siemens Logo 24o PLC. I will try to get the axis moving before committing to buy a laser tube and power supply.
My plan is as follows:
Mach 3 and TB6560 to drive:
- X and Y motion
- Z to fire laser through spindle relay (info gained from buildlog and cnczone). 130713 Edit: Laser fired directly through Mach 3 using an un assigned pin on TB6560 board.
- 4th axis connection to jog Z (focal distance) by an up/down button switch (not sure how yet).
- X home and X+ limit
- Y home and Y+ limit
- E stop
- Cover interlock
PLC to drive:
- programmable run-on function for extraction, cooling and air assist.
- timer for laser power supply being energised.
- timer for laser tube being energised.
- cooling monitor and alarm
- connection to e stop and cover interlock (not sure how to link this into the TB6560 yet) 130713 Edit - Solution: Double pole e stop pole 1 for TB6560 and pole 2 for PLC
I'm sure the next post will be a question....