In 2014 a friend and I each built an oversized Buildlog 2.x laser cutter. We scaled up Bart's design to provide a ~32x24" cutting area. I'm selling it because it outperformed my wildest dreams and I needed more cutting area and more power. I now have 4 other laser cutters with bed sizes of 4'x6' and 5'x8', so we just needed more material flow. This machine saw a decent bit of cutting and engraving, and it still does a surprisingly good job when compared with my commercial machines. I've etched and cut everything from foam to glass to wood and acrylic, etc. Admittedly, the build is a bit rough (once it was up and running, good intentions of making everything beautiful went out the window. It has a fair number of 3D printed parts, but the gantry ends are custom cnc'd and bent, as well as the side panels are steel that was laser cut for us.
Right now Power Z axis is dismantled - i have the motor but due to the way we built it, I was able to squeeze a little bit more Y travel out of the machine if I deleted the power lift mechanism.
Here's an imgur gallery of the build process, as well as a couple shots of it running. I have lots of video as well.
Single snapshot if you want to skip the gallery:
A few details:
-80w tube from Lightobject.
-AWC608 DSP from Lightobject
-LO Powersupply
-All Misumi
-NEMA17 stepper motors
-Vwheels and authentic makerslide
-Uses a 1/4HP aquarium chiller with two circulation pumps, one for chiller loop and one for laser cooling loop
-Bed is lighting grid eggcrate
-Exhaust is a 4" 12v bilge fan from Amazon
-Air assist is a heavy duty continuous hydroponics air pump
As you can see, it's a pretty beefy machine overall. We have a lot invested in it - and it's my baby, but i don't have room for it anymore (just built a 5'x10' NEMA34 3-axis cnc router and it dominates my garage)
This was the first of the two cnc laser builds, so it is admittedly a bit rough. Ideally, you would disassemble the electronics and rewire it according to the schematics Bart or others or I can provide. It works, it cuts (it was cutting yesterday) and it's a solid machine, but it's my baby and I don't mind if it cries, as the saying goes. Things like bed leveling, maybe rebuilding the front panel, etc would go a long way towards making this a killer DIY unit.
I'll include a ton of extra hardware - metric screws, limit switches, extra parts, holders, fixtures, etc. as well as the cooling system, air assist, and etc. I've got well over $2500 in the build all told, so I won't give it away, but I'd love to see someone rework it and make it into the machine it really wants to be. Make me an offer for everything - I'm not crazy about parting it out.
I'm located near Chicago, IL. I have shipping capabilities, but the laser tube is fragile. We've moved it twice with the tube in the machine and it works great, but I wouldn't trust it to a LTL carrier. Contact me here with any questions.