Vectors on a rotary

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Vectors on a rotary

Postby Greolt » Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:38 am

Can anyone confirm that the LO DSP will vector cut/engrave on a rotary.

Engraving is OK. If I engrave a 10mm square, it comes out at 10mm square.

If I vector engrave the perimeter of the same 10mm square, it comes out at 10 x 1.5mm.

It appears to me that the rotary values are not being scaled to the diameter set in "advanced functions" when doing vector work, as they are when engraving.

Please tell me I am wrong. :)


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Re: Vectors on a rotary

Postby twehr » Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:47 pm

Greolt wrote:Can anyone confirm that the LO DSP will vector cut/engrave on a rotary.

Engraving is OK. If I engrave a 10mm square, it comes out at 10mm square.

If I vector engrave the perimeter of the same 10mm square, it comes out at 10 x 1.5mm.

It appears to me that the rotary values are not being scaled to the diameter set in "advanced functions" when doing vector work, as they are when engraving.

I am currently working on a rewrite of the documentation for LaserCAD and just looked at that section last night. There were a couple of things that did not seem to be obvious to me, but have not had a chance to test them out yet. To help me understand your setup so I can test it and give you the correct answer ( and ensure I get it right in the final documentation ), I have a couple of questions.

1. Please give me the three settings you have in the advanced features (pulse, steps, diameter).
2. Are you connecting the rotary motor to the Y or X axis?
3. Which dimension (the rotary dimension or the fixed dimension) is coming out shortened?

I'll try to look at this tomorrow (Wed) night if you can get me the info.
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Re: Vectors on a rotary

Postby Techgraphix » Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:50 pm

I just asked the same question a few days ago to the tech-helpdesk of the other DSP-brand..
They told me that the Rotational unit only works when engraving. The whole page of Rotational settings is omitted when cutting (ie drawing vectors like a box)
Maybe something for the future..
Only solution, i can think of, is make a file with setting for the rotational unit with adapted Y-parameters and load that when you want to write vectors with your rotational unit.

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Re: Vectors on a rotary

Postby Greolt » Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:49 pm

twehr wrote:1. Please give me the three settings you have in the advanced features (pulse, steps, diameter).

Enable: Checked
Rotate axis con(um): 25.4 (same as Y axis)
Step per rotate(pulse): 80000 (number of steps per 360 degree rotation of axis)
Current diameter(mm): 70 (diameter of material in rotary axis)

2. Are you connecting the rotary motor to the Y or X axis?

Y axis

3. Which dimension (the rotary dimension or the fixed dimension) is coming out shortened?

Rotary dimension, but only when doing vector engraving/cutting.

It is correct dimensionally, when engraving. All above settings unchanged.

Thanks for your attention.


EDIT: I should have noted that I am using a chuck type rotary, not a roller type.
Last edited by Greolt on Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Vectors on a rotary

Postby Greolt » Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:53 pm

Techgraphix wrote:I just asked the same question a few days ago to the tech-helpdesk of the other DSP-brand..
They told me that the Rotational unit only works when engraving. The whole page of Rotational settings is omitted when cutting (ie drawing vectors like a box)
Maybe something for the future..
Only solution, i can think of, is make a file with setting for the rotational unit with adapted Y-parameters and load that when you want to write vectors with your rotational unit.


Marco has informed me that the DSP does work for vectors on rotary.

So hopefully I can sort out where I am going wrong.

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Re: Vectors on a rotary

Postby Techgraphix » Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:00 pm

Greolt wrote:Marco has informed me..

Ok,.....I'll wait and see........

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Re: Vectors on a rotary

Postby Greolt » Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:39 pm

Kees you were right

Marco has come back, after checking with the programmer, and informed me that vector engraving does in fact not work with the "advanced functions" settings.

So I will have to scale the output by varying the Y axis step distance setting for any given work diameter.

I don't see that as a major issue. Vector engraving is not the most often used engraving strategy.

What is a little more disappointing is that the "Run Box" feature does not work on a rotary either.

I have found that I use the "Run Box" feature constantly. Very handy to confirm job position and extents before hitting the run button and committing expensive materials to the vagaries of my old brain. :)

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Re: Vectors on a rotary DO WORK

Postby twehr » Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:33 pm

Quick note - I spent a couple of hours last night working this out. It actually works fine. I was able to do mixed vector and engraved jobs, box path, etc. All came out the right size and look good. The key is in the way you set it all up.

I am working on a complete set of instructions (the ones I will be including in the manual, as well). I'll try to finish up the writing sometime today and get it posted.
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Rotary Engrave Setup on AWC 608 Controller

Postby twehr » Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:52 pm

Vectors do work. They just depend on having everything set up correctly.

I wrote a whole chapter for the new controller manual documenting exactly how to correctly set up the Rotate Engrave Advance Feature of the AWC 608 controller from LightObject. So nobody here will have to wait till the new manual is complete, I posted that chapter over at my blog.

If you use the AWC608 and want to use a rotary adapter, I strongly recommend you take a look at it. Once set up correctly your rotary adapter should work very well with this controller.

Hope this helps you out!
"The answer is usually easy and obvious once you know what it is." tw

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Re: Rotary Engrave Setup on AWC 608 Controller

Postby Greolt » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:02 am

twehr wrote:Vectors do work. They just depend on having everything set up correctly.

I suspect you have had a happy coincidence of ratios that make it appear that the vector is being scaled.

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