DSP Advice and motor driver compatibilty

Hi all,
I want to ask if DSP are compatible with all motor drivers, starting from a low like a4988 to high cost drivers. Also, different drivers have different pulse duration, is a dsp configurable to be usable with this motor drivers? How much deep i can configurate dsp?
Where i can find a good list of all commercial dsp aviable? I'm looking for a list of dsp specifics with their pros and con and relative prices.
All dsp are able to do in the same work a cut and an engrave?
Thank you.
I want to ask if DSP are compatible with all motor drivers, starting from a low like a4988 to high cost drivers. Also, different drivers have different pulse duration, is a dsp configurable to be usable with this motor drivers? How much deep i can configurate dsp?
Where i can find a good list of all commercial dsp aviable? I'm looking for a list of dsp specifics with their pros and con and relative prices.
All dsp are able to do in the same work a cut and an engrave?
Thank you.