Hi TM,
I even believe that they where from Germany

You have to google for a local dealer.
I think the attached photo will give you a good impression of how my laserhead is mounted.. I see that this was still with the T5 belt..
The smallest what I engraved was with a beamexpander in the laserhead's tube with a 38.1mm lens: 0.2mm height (YES 1/5 of a mm) and with a strong magnifying glass it was readable and perfectly in shape...
Imagine that the average christmascard has a paperthickness of 0.7mm... I should be able to write 3 lines on the side of a postcard.... Aligning the postcard will be quite impossible however
BTW do you see my ultrasonic autofocus.. Only seen that on Trotec's ... The small switch you see on the side is to teach-in the sensor.. Only to be operated when replacing the lens.. works from 3-30cm with 0.05mm accuracy... good enough for laser IMHO..