We just launched a new DSP card with low price enough for most DIY folks. For as low as $285, it function very well and it works the same way as the LO-X7 or the AWC608. In fact, it share the same algorithm as X7.
Of course there is some difference between the AWC68 or the X7. The main difference is that E5 comes with a small LCD readout (1602) instead of color dot matrix screen. We try to keep the cost low so we have to remove a few fancy things out from the board to keep our goal possible. And our goal is offer an affordable DSP controller board without sacrifice of performance.
Here is a list of basic specification: The maximum work area: 600mm x 600mm.
Top speed: 1600mm/s
Axis: Three
Laser Output: One
I/O: Input(2),Output (2)
Ethernet support: No
Software: LaserCad (will be renamed to something else soon)
Support PPI: Yes
Jog control: Yes
Support Ramp engraving: Yes
Support 256 grey scale: May be (working on it)
Price: $285http://www.lightobject.com/DSP-Laser-Co ... P1007.aspxMarco