New laser DSP controller T9 from LightObject

Discussions and help on this commercial controller.

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New laser DSP controller T9 from LightObject

Postby Speedythinker » Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:22 pm

Hi folks:

Have been long not posted anything here. I've Been busy working on 'real time tracking' auto focus laser head. It is completed and waiting for the PCB and board fabrication.
Today I want to introduce a new laser DSP controller board and it is LightObject T9+. We teamed up with a new card manufacturer name 'PH'

Compare to other controller board like the Ruda 6442 (Lightobject R5), AWC708(LightObject X7) or Leetro 6535 ... this controller provide better engraving quality. Plus, there is a new feature that I requested to add it to the software - "Re-cut". With this feature added, you don't need to start from the beginning to re-cut any area not able to cut through from the first pass. Just added two snap point to form a segment and the laser head will fly over there to do cut again or again.

There is a promotion coupon of $20 off:: #DSPT9$20

PS. A new front panel for the LCD is on the way. You can request one if you don't like the current panel

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