DSP Commercial Controller Support

Discussions and help on this commercial controller.

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Help with LO DSP Please

Postby jkarpy » Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:20 pm

I am running the Light Object Anywels AWC-608 Laser controller. It is doing very well cutting but seems to loose steps when engraving.

My first guess is that I am dividing my steps too much. I am currently running 20,000 micro steps per revolution. Before I spend the time testing my theory, I was hopping for some insight from someone with more experience. I have already checked my Amps to the motors.
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Re: Help with LO DSP Please

Postby twehr » Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:36 pm

jkarpy wrote:I am running the Light Object Anywels AWC-608 Laser controller. It is doing very well cutting but seems to loose steps when engraving.

My first guess is that I am dividing my steps too much. I am currently running 20,000 micro steps per revolution. Before I spend the time testing my theory, I was hopping for some insight from someone with more experience. I have already checked my Amps to the motors.

How do you know for sure you are loosing steps. Please post a photo of what you are getting.

F getting horizontal stripes, Make sure your image DPI matches your scan gap.

If you are getting stair steps, it can be leading edge firing vs trailing edge firing.

Show us what you have.
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Re: DSP Commercial Controller Support

Postby jkarpy » Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:57 pm

First of all, thanks for responding. I am sure I am loosing steps. First I cut and then I engrave part numbers on to what I cut. I am only engraving simplex text. It starts out properly registered, but as it works through the parts sheet, I loose registration. When the job is finished I get a (Y) limit error on the return to home. I will post some pictures. I plane to do an entire build log later when I have some time.
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Re: Help with LO DSP Please

Postby macona » Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:08 am

jkarpy wrote:I am running the Light Object Anywels AWC-608 Laser controller. It is doing very well cutting but seems to loose steps when engraving.

My first guess is that I am dividing my steps too much. I am currently running 20,000 micro steps per revolution. Before I spend the time testing my theory, I was hopping for some insight from someone with more experience. I have already checked my Amps to the motors.

20000 steps per rev? Why so high? Microsteps do not gain accuracy and they significantly lower your torque. You could be loosing position because of this. You shouldnt need more than 10x micro stepping, 2000 steps per rev.
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Re: DSP Commercial Controller Support

Postby jkarpy » Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:22 am

Here are the results I am seeing. On my way out to the shop to reduce steps and recalibrate. This is my first CNC project. So I thought more steps would be better.
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Re: DSP Commercial Controller Support

Postby macona » Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:46 am

You might want to check your belt tension. You should get a nice twang when you pluck the belts.
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Re: DSP Commercial Controller Support

Postby lasersafe1 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:53 am

I'm betting your Y-axis acceleration is too high. It is a large mass compared to the small mirror on the X. It needs a much smaller acceleration rate or it will slip poles. I've also seen where people will have weird settings that cause the direction bit and step bit to activate on falling edge instead of rising edge. This screws things up in the manner you have described also.
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Re: DSP Commercial Controller Support

Postby jkarpy » Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:08 am

Still same problem after reducing step multiplier to 10 and adjusting my belts. So here is my entire configuration:

Light Object Anywels AWC-608
Drives: KL-4042D (automation technologies)
X: 2 amps, 2000 steps (10X) Auto configured
Y: 3.5 amps, 2000 steps (10X) Auto configured
X: Automation Direct Sure step STP-MTR-17048
Nema 17, 83 oz torque, 2 amps
Y: KL23H2100-35-4BM (automation technologies)
Nema 22, 570 oz torque, 3.5 amps
X: MXL 20 pitch
Y: XL 10 pitch
No gear reduction on X and Y

My DSP setting can be found in the attached PDFs.
User settings.pdf
(129.51 KiB) Downloaded 1829 times
Machine settings.pdf
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Re: DSP Commercial Controller Support

Postby jkarpy » Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:09 am

lasersafe1 wrote:I'm betting your Y-axis acceleration is too high. It is a large mass compared to the small mirror on the X. It needs a much smaller acceleration rate or it will slip poles. I've also seen where people will have weird settings that cause the direction bit and step bit to activate on falling edge instead of rising edge. This screws things up in the manner you have described also.

This also makes sense. I am sure I have the falling edge set. I will set it to rising edge.

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Re: DSP Commercial Controller Support

Postby jkarpy » Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:55 am

It works! Thanks Guys. I think it was the falling edge setting and the acceleration too high.

I have attached my new settings.
New-Machine settings.pdf
(168.21 KiB) Downloaded 1800 times
New-User settings.pdf
(134.53 KiB) Downloaded 1787 times
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