Hi Heeps
I run my laser from my macmini (2008). I initially used lasersaur hardware which worked really well but currently it doesn't support rastering - unsure if using visicut with lasersaur might solve that.
In the meantime, I bought a lightobject controller. The lasercad sofware runs very well using the virtualbox emulator (free) and a copy of windows xp - this saves the real hassle of booting into bootcamp every time you want to cut. I just run lasercad in a free floating window, so it merges in with the mac os ok (mac os it ain't though

) I use it on USB now.
For file creation, I generally use Illustrator cs5, then export as dxf for lasercad using the pc/mac shared folder. This fixed process works well enough to be useable on a daily basis. I don't particulary like having to use windows, but currently there are not a lot of options available. The lightobject controller works well - its just a pity that the software interface and import hasn't been upgraded as expected. To that end, I would also look at some of the other offerings - a colleague uses the shenhui controller which looks exactly the same (no ethernet though - not a problem as the usb works fine) - their software interface is much nicer and some of the imports also work better and dont crash. It wont get updated in a hurry, but who cares - unless they come up with a mac version