DSP Advice and motor driver compatibilty

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DSP Advice and motor driver compatibilty

Postby Yaro » Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:40 am

Hi all,

I want to ask if DSP are compatible with all motor drivers, starting from a low like a4988 to high cost drivers. Also, different drivers have different pulse duration, is a dsp configurable to be usable with this motor drivers? How much deep i can configurate dsp?

Where i can find a good list of all commercial dsp aviable? I'm looking for a list of dsp specifics with their pros and con and relative prices.

All dsp are able to do in the same work a cut and an engrave?

Thank you.
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Re: DSP Advice and motor driver compatibilty

Postby cvoinescu » Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:00 am

Most drivers work in the same way, so they are interchangeable, but, as you point out, they have different timing requirements. I don't know the answer to whether the timings are adjustable in the DSP (they should be), but I want to point out that the small driver chips (A4988, DRV8818 etc.) have very permissive timings -- they accept even very short step pulses (1 us) and require little set-up time for the direction pin (200 ns), so they will work with pretty much any controllers. It's the larger drivers that are more picky.
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Re: DSP Advice and motor driver compatibilty

Postby Yaro » Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:02 am

Thank you,

Can also someone advice me some dsp or just dsp names? I don't know a lot about dsp producers.
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Re: DSP Advice and motor driver compatibilty

Postby injunear » Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:13 am

Yaro wrote:Thank you,

Can also someone advice me some dsp or just dsp names? I don't know a lot about dsp producers.

Ditto.... I'd like some recommendations on DSP's too.
Bob T.
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Re: DSP Advice and motor driver compatibilty

Postby TLHarrell » Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:28 am

Check in with Marco @ LightObject.
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