Interfacing a LO-X7 DSP to 3 axis interface board-UPDATE

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Interfacing a LO-X7 DSP to 3 axis interface board-UPDATE

Postby reeser » Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:44 am

I am in the process of trying to interface the LO-X7 DSP to the 3 Axis Laser Interface Board that Bart designed.
I wonder if anyone has done this conversion. There is a schematic in the drawings section showing the wiring for an AW608 DSP to the 4 Axis Interface board.

My question is whether the wiring would be essentially the same. It appears that the non-inverting Schmidt Trigger (74HC7014) needs to be replaced with an inverting Schmidt Trigger (74HC14) on either of the interface boards (3 axis or 4 axis).

Could someone please confirm that my thinking is straight on this?

I would like to hear from anyone who has made the conversion. The three axis board that I have was set up for Mach3 and was built with the 74HC7014.
If I swap the Schmidt trigger am I good to go with the three axis interface board?


Update: I finally gave up on converting the 3 Axis Laser/Interface board. I bought new drivers from Light Object, installed and everything works as expected. If anyone needs a 3 Axis Laser Interface board I have one I built. It works fine with Mach3. It also worked fine with the LO-X7 to drive the motors but I couldn't get the limits switches sorted out. Any interest PM me.

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Joined: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:08 am

Re: Interfacing a LO-X7 DSP to 3 axis interface board-UPDATE

Postby bloq » Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:46 am

Hey Dick,

which drivers did you get for your x7?

thank you!
Posts: 88
Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:15 am

Re: Interfacing a LO-X7 DSP to 3 axis interface board-UPDATE

Postby reeser » Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:14 pm

I got the 2M415 drivers from Light Object.


Posts: 37
Joined: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:08 am

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