LO-X7 Display does not do anything

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LO-X7 Display does not do anything

Postby bloq » Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:13 pm


i have a big problem with my lo x7 which i bought in may. I am still in the process of building the laser and the unit worked for the first basic setup. Today i turned it
on for the first time since 4 weeks and the screen unit does not do anything. You can hear that the stepper drivers get power from the controller unit and there is 24 volts coming from the power supply. I checked any contact of the connector between display and controller and they seem to work. There is a small red led on which is barely visible because it is inside the case of the screen (backside). It is on. Is there a fuse inside which may be defective? The system does not do any selftest which it usually does ...

thank you!

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